Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Colorful Life Challenge - January. Rest.

The Colorful Life Challenge

There's a line from a song I've been listening to of late, it goes like this:

"You make all things

bright and beautiful
Wild and colorful
You make our lives
Bright and beautiful
Wild and colorful
You are the artist"

He is the artist. He makes us bright and beautiful. Wild and colorful are our lives as we live life with Him. With Him. Oh the sweetness of that reality. For we have been created to live this life here on earth with a Holy God.

A few months ago, my dear friend Marianne asked me about doing a photo challenge to journal the goodness of God in the everyday of our lives. We'd grab our cameras and start shooting daily frames all through 2016 and invite friends and friends to be to do it along with us...we were both excited for the adventure. Life unfolded differently than I could have ever imagined at the end of 2015. My aunt, who had been ill through Christmas and into the new year, went home to heaven on January 3, 2016. The number of her days on earth came to an end and it was God's time for her to to see Jesus face to face. My family grieved her absence with surrender and with the joy that comes from abiding in His presence, it was hard to say goodbye. I have come to know that when deep heartache comes, even deeper still comes peace into the places of pain. The pain of saying goodbye does not mean an end but a beginning that is filled with the joy of knowing heaven awaits. January has been filled with rest. Resting in the promises of God. Resting in His faithfulness to my hurting heart. He is good. He is good at being good. He is forever and always good. My heart adores Him. He is my joy and my comfort. He is wild and colorful and bright and beautiful...He is my forever.

With a rested heart, I am ready to see what He will bring as this beautiful year unfolds.
