It's day two! : )
What makes you happy, from the little joys to the big game changers
Goldfish...the real kind, not the crackers : )
Christmas carols all through the year
Being with my mom and dad
My brother's smile
Long walks
Seeing that purple color light the sky in a sunset
Bird know the ones where they fly up together and make a beautiful turn and then another and our Creator's fun imagination!
A baby's cry
Jane Austen books and movies...and the soundtracks too
Jimmy Stewart The Rebel : )
Cotton candy
Hot cocoa
Cell nights with my church family
Listening to hearts, hearing hearts
Living in community
Proverbs 3:5-6
Learning about trusting God when life around is so uncertain and when hopes and dreams spiral to the ground, HE is with me.
Surrendering my will for HIS will
Being pursued by the ONE my soul loves
Being quieted by HIS love
HE is my joy forever
I love encountering happy things like the above...knowing that I can choose joy in the unhappiest of circumstances, knowing that Jesus is my joy forever, is a truth my heart rejoices over day after day.

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