Saturday, September 6, 2014

Day 6 - On Currently

"A currently post. Tell us what you're loving, not loving, eating, reading, etc."

Watching...old movies - black and white and in color. A Cary Grant one is on tonight. An island, a sailor, a lady and her young charges, an unfolding of crazy events with a wedding performed via Navy radio!

Reading...Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. It's calling to places in my heart.
Romans - with my cell family. Loving the new revelation with community. "Breaking Through" by Jeremy Riddle. It's on replay on my phone. Love how God doesn't stop breaking through to our hearts.

Feeling so refreshed and loved...from time spent with two of my favorite people in the forever sis and my forever bro - Mare and Joel - love you both forever!

Creating...seashell garland. I saw it on a Jane Austen movie and have been making it a little at a time. It's a dream of mine to string it from wall to wall at my day. : )

Instagraming...nothing. I need to post! of a newbie : ) My friends have a beautiful baby boy. His thatch of hair...heart melter.

Singing..."Let It Be Jesus" by Christy Nockles to see the big picture. God is showing me HIS mercy and reminding me that HIS ways are so much sweeter than mine.

Eating...peach cobbler. Mmmmm my folks. : ) Listening to their day.
My friend her so much, she is also blogging for blogtember, her blog is changing my world.
My friend Christie - who put her living room furniture back into place today, whoo!
My friend Jen - she's been baking today and sweetly packaged sugar cookies for my family. uncle who left this earth recently. He is so dearly missed.

Fighting...the sense of sadness about something that God is walking me through. His arms are holding me. who God says I am to HIM. again.

Today...was filled to the brim with quiet and rest. So needed. So thankful.

Ready for...tomorrow. Sunday is my favorite day.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you had a fab day you rock star! I love you

